Bio identical Hormone treatment Auburn, WA - Hormone Harmony Clinic

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels often decline, leading to unpleasant symptoms. Replacing diminished hormones with bioidentical versions can provide immense relief.

Bioidentical hormones used for treatment come from plant sources and are then chemically altered to have the exact same structure as human hormones. This allows the body to recognize and utilize them normally. Common bioidentical hormones used include estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and more.

Administering bioidentical hormones requires specialized expertise to tailor doses and delivery methods to each patient's needs. Formulations include pills, creams, injections, subcutaneous pellets, and vaginal suppositories. Once hormonal balance is restored, patients often feel dramatically better.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

Hormone levels naturally fluctuate over our lifetimes. Levels peak during puberty and early adulthood. Around age 30, subtle declines begin. Menopause causes the most dramatic drop for women when ovarian estrogen and progesterone production halts.

Aging, genetics, stress levels, health conditions, medications, and environmental factors also impact hormone levels and accelerate depletion. People with chronic illnesses or nutrient deficiencies may struggle with hormonal imbalance earlier in life.

Symptoms emerge slowly, so many fail to realize declining hormones are the true culprit behind their issues. Identifying hormonal imbalance early on can prevent years of suffering.

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Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Balancing hormones with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) offers wide-ranging benefits:

Risks and Side Effects

There are some risks associated with hormone therapy. However, bioidentical hormones have an exceptional safety profile when expertly dosed and monitored.

Potential side effects depend on which hormone therapy is used. Estradiol may contribute to bloating, breast tenderness, moodiness or headaches in some women. Testosterone can rarely increase growth of prostate tumors in men or cause hair growth in women. However, research indicates physiological testosterone therapy is safe for most women.

To minimize risks, patients should have regular follow up blood tests to ensure ideal hormone levels are maintained long term. Most side effects can be reversed by adjusting formulations and doses.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Specializes in BHRT

Hormone Harmony Clinic was founded by a leading endocrinologist specializing in female hormones - Dr. Jane Smith, along with an anti-aging expert and women’s health specialist.

Our clinic solely focuses on balancing hormones using personalized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) programs. We have over 20 years collective experience restoring hormone balance and vitality.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, your hormones won’t be treated as an afterthought or handed off to a nurse. Our board certified hormone specialists devote our practice to precision hormone therapy - the key to safely alleviating symptoms and enjoying sustained wellness.

We also stand out by offering a warm, unhurried atmosphere where your concerns are truly heard. You’ll collaborate with our hormone experts to create a tailored treatment plan addressing your unique needs and health goals.

Why Choose Hormone Harmony Clinic for Your Hormone Treatment?

What makes Hormone Harmony Clinic the top choice for bioidentical hormone therapy in Auburn?

Our 5 Point Treatment Process

We optimize results through our unique 5 step treatment process:

1. Blood tests assess your individual hormone levels, metabolism and nutritional status. Deficiencies undermining health are revealed.

2. A comprehensive history and exam uncover the root causes and symptoms fueling your hormonal imbalance. Any thyroid, sleep or mood issues being overlooked are also addressed.

3. You’ll receive therapeutic guidance about tailored lifestyle, dietary, exercise and stress reduction protocols scientifically validated to improve hormonal health. Addressing root causes facilitates even better response to replacement therapy.

4. We collaboratively create your personalized treatment plan - including bioidentical hormones, optimal doses and delivery methods. Follow up tests ensure response and safety.

5. We support you each step of the way until hormone levels normalize, bothersome symptoms fully resolve, and you report feeling your best again physically and mentally. Contact us easily if any issues later arise.

If you’re struggling with a medical issue that hasn’t responded well to standard treatments, hormonal imbalance could be the missing link. Call today to schedule advanced hormone testing and a consultation to see if our therapies might help you.

Reclaim your vitality with bioidentical hormone therapy!

Estrogen Imbalance

Declining or unstable estrogen levels afflict up to 80% of menopausal women. Estrogen governs hundreds of body processes and preserving balance is key for wellbeing.

Estrogen plunges during the menopausal transition as ovarian function wanes, beginning on average around age 47-48. But imbalances arise years earlier for some women due to contributors like anovulatory cycles, surgery, autoimmune issues, or cancer treatment side effects.

Estrogen deficiency causes some of the most disruptive menopausal symptoms:

Restoring estradiol levels alleviates these issues for most women. But estrogen therapy carries some cancer and blood clot risks if not expertly dosed and delivered.

Key Actions of Estrogen Hormones

Here’s an overview explaining why estrogen is indispensable for women's prime health:

As this list makes clear, estrogen is indispensable for women’s prime health and comfort throughout adulthood - until the very end years of life.

Careful balancing with other sex hormones is key to gaining benefits from estrogen while avoiding risks. Our clinicians identifying your optimal estrogen dosing and delivery method to relieve concerns yet steer clear of side effects. Call to learn more.

See If You Have Estrogen Deficiency

Do you suffer from several of these common symptoms of low estrogen levels?

If you answered yes to even a few key symptoms, bringing estrogen levels up into optimal range often brings immense relief. Bioidentical estradiol therapy can restore comfort and vibrancy, delivered through creams, pills or slow release pellets.

Call our clinic today to explore whether estrogen balancing might help resolve your menopause concerns. Relief is within reach!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Declining testosterone afflicts both men and women as they age. Deficiency saps vitality, undermining mental and physical functioning. Replacement therapy helps restore vigor and verve when properly administered and monitored.

Testosterone acts as crucial “fuel for life” - supporting muscle development, bone density, competitive drive, confidence, metabolism and sex drive. Levels peak in our 20’s then slowly descend, hastened by chronic illnesses or excess weight. Deficiency can set in as early as the 30’s or 40’s for one in four adults.

Low testosterone often goes undiagnosed since early warning signs seem vague. Yet benefits can prove life-changing when identified and treated. Relieving unpleasant symptoms while recovering vim and vigor makes replacement therapy worthwhile for properly screened patients.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

Measuring free and total testosterone blood levels provides objective data about declining reserves. Provocative tests also check whether your pituitary gland properly signals your testes or ovaries to produce testosterone.

However, a complete history and physical exam are even more telling than lab scores alone. We dig deeply into your signs, symptoms, exposures and risk factors to gauge if you stand to benefit from testosterone balancing.

Signs and Symptoms

Indicators of testosterone deficiency differ slightly by gender but often include:

Review your recent medical history to see if you demonstrate concerning deficiency signs. Testing and treatment could prove life changing if so.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement

Patients report feeling significantly improved when following individualized testosterone restoration regimens, citing:

Balancing testosterone also helps redress fatigue, depression and loss of joy from life. Our precision delivery methods allow you to regain vibrancy and verve long term.

Risks and Safety Precautions

There are valid concerns regarding risks posed by testosterone therapy. However, many issues arose from non-bioidentical formulas like methyltestosterone with erratic absorption and synthetic anabolic steroids abused by athletes.

When properly prescribed and monitored, our bioidentical testosterone therapy has proven safe for both men and women. We provide careful surveillance to avoid adverse effects and maximize your functional improvements.

Call to explore whether addressing your deficiency could help you reclaim your vim and vigor this year!

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. However, some women report preferring them because they more closely mimic the body's natural hormones. More research is still needed to fully understand the risks and benefits compared to synthetic hormones.

Progesterone - The Forgotten Hormone

You’ve likely heard about estrogen loss during perimenopause and menopause. But plummeting progesterone levels also cause upheaval for women over 40. Replacement can ease overlooked misery.

Progesterone prepares the uterus for pregnancy, maintains cycles and fortifies bone density. This calming hormone boosts GABA activity - quelling anxiety and irritability. It also promotes restorative sleep.

Levels peak after ovulation, then crash during menstruation - causing mood and appetite shifts. Like estrogen, progesterone starts declining years before menopause, often exacerbating uncomfortable symptoms such as:

Balancing progesterone can relieve this distress, stabilizing mood and cycles for perimenopausal women. It also protects bone density and sleep quality.

Progesterone pairs synergistically with estrogen therapy as well, enhancing benefits and reducing cancer risks. We offer both topical creams and sustained-release pellet implants to restore optimal balance long term.

See if adding bioidentical progesterone could ease your symptoms.

Reclaim your vitality with bioidentical hormone therapy!

DHEA Restores Youthful Hormone Balance

DHEA serves as the “mother hormone” from which estrogen, progesterone and testosterone originate. Our bodies crank out loads beginning in puberty to fuel growth and fertility.

Production peaks around age 25 then steadily drops. By 50-65, DHEA dwindles to just 10-20% of youthful levels as glands exhaust themselves making other hormones. No organs require DHEA so our bodies slash its output.

Yet preserving sufficient reserves guards against inflammation, metabolism issues, menopause symptoms, virility loss and chronic diseases. Let’s explore why this prohormone matters throughout adulthood...

How DHEA Works

Acting as a buffering precursor rather than active hormone, circulating DHEA blunts stress and gets converted as needed to appropriate sex hormones. Your genes dictate how much converts into estrogen or testosterone.

Benefits of Optimizing Levels

Research reveals optimizing DHEA:

Balancing levels combats “adrenopause” - the midlife slump caused by waning DHEA driving hormone imbalance across the spectrum.

Signs of Deficiency

Do you suffer from low energy, bothersome extra weight, depleted mojo, emotional malaise or hot flashes? Recurrent illnesses or injuries? Slow to bounce back from workouts? Crave sweets for energy? Struggle with short term memory or concentration? Skin looking dull or wrinkled?

These issues often indicate deficient DHEA levels undermining your resilience and functioning. Testing reveals if bringing your levels up to optimal range might rewind your inner clock.

Safety Considerations

DHEA therapy rarely causes side effects although acne, hair loss or shakiness could occur if doses ascend too high. We carefully monitor levels and symptoms to provide the ideal dosage for you.

Call to determine if replenishing your DHEA might help resolve stagnant symptoms dragging you down.

Specialized Treatment Protocols

Hormone Harmony Clinic offers cutting edge therapies including sustained release pellet implants to stabilize hormone levels long term. We also provide PRP and cell treatments to enhance sexual enhancement, urinary incontinence correction, and facial rejuvenation procedures.

Sustained Release Pellet Implants

For patients needing convenient long term therapy, our subcutaneous hormone pellets offer sustained steady-state dosing lasting 3-5 months. Concentrated hormones are pressed into tiny rods then placed beneath the skin through an office procedure taking just 10 minutes.

Pellet implant benefits include:

Made in the USA, these low risk pellets administer pure bioidentical hormones without problematic fillers. Call today to explore whether pellet therapy fits your lifestyle and health goals.

PRP and Stem Cell Therapies

We also offer cutting edge platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell procedures to amplify results for issues like sexual dysfunction, stress incontinence or infertility. Treatment trains your body to regenerate tissue using your own growth factors and stem cells.


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